Tourney Kickstarter: Nearly half way!!!

 Greetings and well met one and all!

Well we're closing in on half way through the kickstarter. It's not far off  50% funded too. Great news for sure but with two and some weeks left - it is going to be a close thing as to if funding is successful!

New mini campaign

To keep things going I have added a new pledge level on the campaign: The Patrician

Alongside the "main" campaign story which covers about 6 levels and 4 environment, there will be another mini story which will provide about an our of gaming. It will follow "Squire Plip", entering his first tourney and embarking on a journey to knighthood. This story will be available immediately to patrician level backers. Everyone else will have to wait and pay more. Also! These backers will have their names in the pool of names used when lord and lady visitors arrive.


I've still been making a little progress on the game itself, despite the campaign taking a lot of my time. The next item is a troubadour model, this is a member of staff that can be hired to entertain visitors with her lute. On the Kickstarter will be a backer only post which will go into detail about exactly how the model was put together and textured, and give a bit of a look at how I've tried to give the game it's look.


Anyway, lots to do so I must dash. I want to say a big thank you though to all that have pledged, or liked, or shared things about the project. It means a lot and you never know - may make all the difference!

Categories: Tourney | KickStarter