Lots to report on the new game since the last post - I write phenominally few blog posts given the amount I'm working on this tournament simulator. As I mentioned before there are 2 places that enjoy far more frequent posts from me those are My Exilian Dev Log and obviously Tusky games on twitter
Anyway in the last post I needed to create a knight model, which I did. Actually I made 2 but the first I hated so started over. So those along with the horse are done:

I've also created a tilt barrier and list - which will be one whole building that the player can build. Then went on to build the mechanics for 2 AI knights to Joust against each other. There are also various rules and tactics in place. For example you can attempt to the best speed before each charge. Getting the timing right means tour knight rears up on the horse and goes straight into a gallop. It gives you a huge force boost to the clash.

There are a few outcomes possible depending on what you target. You can get unhorsed and disarmed so the lance is dropped - negating any damage at all. It was fun testing this out and getting the bots to keep unhorsing eachother!

I'll be moving on to setting up some more of the 3d models. One being a tournament stand in which the medieval peasents can spectate on the tourney jousting fun!