It's nearly time for the spookiest time of the year! What better way to celebrate than to let you all know what's been going on at Tusky towers!
I have talked before about jousting, well that will be one of three event types that will be available to play in Tourney. The newest addition is the melee! As a side-note I also completed the third of four armor types, which you can see here:

In the early days of the medieval tournament the melee was actually the "main event". The joust is what most people would probably think of first when thinking about a tournament, but initially they were not as important. As such it was inevitable that I include them, not only for historical accuracy, but it is fun watching sword fighting. It required a fair bit of animation work, and making some blood splatters!
This month I have been doing some run throughs of the initial level with a friend - to try and spot what is not clear, what doesn't work etc. It highlighted a few items that could be tidied up, such as adding a help section, and tying that to relevant parts of the game. I also added a new button allowing the player to move a structure after they had put it down in case they made a mistake.
Work on the OST is officially underway. Here is a clip of music that will feature in level 1:
The composer is Curtis Falkingham, and you can hear more tracks by him on his soundcloud page:
The main environment so far is called "Avalon Woodland", and has been the setting for the first level and all of the testing. However now after a few months of work the next environment is nearing completion. A castle set high on a mount overlooking the aforementioned forest!

Next up... Lords and ladies will be joining the peasantry in attendance at the tournament!