Category: Escape From BioStation - Page 3

Development Update

It's been a busy few months working on escape from biostation, and it's hight time I let you know the latest!


As per the most recent survey the squirrel was embellished with a bullet belt. He has also has something of a makeover with fur.

Lots of other models have been tweaked, such as the station, which is being worked on at the moment, and Rob himself.

Work for level 9 (9 of 18) is underway. The levels have now all been planned out to tie in with the script. It is looking likely that the December delivery is still achievable, pending any huge complications.


As previously mentioned the script is now finished and soon will come the job of recording it.


More tunes have been in production, and they are sounding great. The majority of the soundtrack is complete now, however there might be some fiddling with it and some final tracks added later in the year once the game is nearing completion. 

And the Results are in!

It's been a busy social week for Escape From BioStation (aside from continuing developments, obvs!).

In a twisted moment of madness I decided to start 2 polls at the same time.

Question 1

So if you read the last post you'll know that at the moment the shooting mechanic has been the recent focus, and now is almost complete. It has made it a lot more engaging and enjoyable! One thing that remains is to have a point where the squirrel should reload. But that lead to the question: surely it won't work like a normal gun, can it? How and where will the clip be placed... Oh dear. Not that. So I came to the conclusion that it would be a wonderful opportunity to have the input of the kick starter backers.

The new feature will go into production soon, and will probably be in a demo-able state next month.

Question 2

Something that I needed was some T-Shirts to give away as fabulous prizes. Everyone loves fabulous prizes, don't they! Well rather than coming up with something by myself I opened this up to the awesome chaps and chapesses on the twitters and  facebookses.

That poll is also closed now. The winners were all notified. so an artist is doing some sketches now of what the garment will actually have on it. Once they are printed they will all go off in the post.

There are going to be lots more in the way of freebie competitions - so make sure you you are following on twitter and have liked on the facebook page if you want to be in with a chance to win those (link in the right).

Until next time!

The BioStation Quiz Drone

Making the combat more fun

Something that I have been working a lot on lately is making the combat more fun

Essentially I was not happy with the fights,  they felt very clunky, primarily because I had intended the game to be a puzzler first and a shooter second - but it was clear that the fighting mechanic needed to work well. So this has got an overhaul.


The actual mechanic of shooting stuff didn't feel fun. You would press fire, and after a small pause where the squirrel would flap his arm an acorn would arc in whichever way you (the player) were looking.It was tough to aim and slow and didn't feel right.

Instead of that there is now a more familiar "fps" vibe - there is a reticle so you can see where you will be shooting and you can just hold down fire and machine gun stuff. It's a lot more satisfying.


Up until now these guys have been pretty stupid. All they would do would be to run towards you, shoot from time to time, so they were about as tricky as an enemy in a 90s shooter. The new improved AI has them using cover, dodging and working as a team. When idle it will also be possible to mess with them by creating a distraction and sneaking past - so enemy encounters will be a lot more engaging.


To compliment the above, you can now zoom out into a third person view to help with jumping about on platforms and such, and then zoom in to first person for when you want to shoot at things!


That's about it for now!

Take it easy

The Biostation Drone